About this item:
* Place the collar ring on the rim of the SPA.
* Remove the plastic lid from the WAX SPA.
* Adjust the WAX-CAN holder on the wax can for easy handling.
* Turn the temperature control knob and set the dial on MAX(it will show 135℃ on the digital display) until the wax achieves a liquid consistency. This process lasts about 30minutes.(it depends on the ambient temperature)
* Once liquid, set the temperature to that you want(temperature can be seen on the digital display)
* It is important to test the temperature of the wax by placing a small quantity on the inside of wrist, adjusting the dial
* When the wax is finished, lift out the can. Using the wax-can holder while the warmer is still warm.
* Turn the warmer off every evening by full turning the dial counter clock wise. Cover the warmer with the clean lid to keep
* To clean the warmer, use wax clean with the machine off and while the warmer is still slightly warm.
* For a new usage, repeat steps 1 to 8.
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